Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2016

Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2016
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2016
Podtitul:Proceedings of the 21th International Conference
Jazyk (původní knihy):Jazyk vydání čeština čeština
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Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2016
Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public Finance 2016
Nakladatel:Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, Nakladatelství Oeconomica
Pořadí vydání:1.
Jazyk:Jazyk vydání angličtina angličtina
Editor:Lucie Sedmihradská
Rozsah (počet stran):358
Formát (výška x šířka):210 x 148 mm
Vazba:měkké desky, brožura sešitá drátěnou sponkou


Proceedings from the 21st annual conference Theoretical and practical aspects of the public finance held in Prague in April 2016. It contains 60 papers selected based on a double blind peer review process. The papers are divided into three thematic sections: A – Tax Policy, B – Public Expenditure and C – Public finance and finance.

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