The Gallery of Arthur´s Adventures

Jazyk (původní knihy):Jazyk vydání čeština čeština
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Pořadí vydání:1.
Jazyk:Jazyk vydání angličtina angličtina
Překladatel:Hana Logan
Rozsah (počet stran):20


The book is published in co-edition with The National Gallery in Prague. It is based on the pop-up technique of moving illustrations, which bring the story onto a next level as it becomes ''alive''. Therefore, the reader's enjoyment is twofold: it is a good read and it is fun. The folding picture book tells a story of a boy named Arthur (well, he will seem familiar!), painted in a picture of an unknown artist. Arthur, however, is dead bored in his picture so he decides to escape and seek happiness somewhere else. He befriends other people from the paintings hanging in the 20th century section of the gallery. Thanks to them Arthur meets Cleopatra by Jan Zrzavý, takes a walk across the cosmic scenery of František Kupka and goes for a ride in a hot air balloon from...

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