The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629-1786

Autoři:, Jan Pařez
Jazyk (původní knihy):Jazyk vydání čeština čeština
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Pořadí vydání:1.
Jazyk:Jazyk vydání angličtina angličtina
Rozsah (počet stran):210


At the end of the sixteenth century, Queen Elizabeth I forced the Irish Franciscans into exile. Of the four continental provinces to which the Irish Franciscans fled, the Prague Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary was the largest in its time. This monograph documents this intense point of contact between two small European lands, Ireland and Bohemia. The Irish exiles changed the course of Bohemian history in significant ways, both positive — the Irish students and teachers of medicine who contributed to Bohemia’s culture and sciences— and negative — the Irish officers who participated in the murder of Albrecht of Valdštejn and their successors who served in the Imperial forces.

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