
Friedrich Feigl

Friedrich Feigl
Friedrich Feigl
Podtitul:Paintings, Drawings and Graphic Art
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Friedrich Feigl
Friedrich Feigl
Nakladatel:Židovské muzeum v Praze
Pořadí vydání:1.
Jazyk:Jazyk vydání angličtina angličtina
Rozsah (počet stran):72
Formát (výška x šířka):220 x 210 mm
Vazba:měkké desky, lepená brožura oříznutá po třech stranách
Edice:Výstavní katalog


The catalogue for the Jewish Museum in Prague’s exhibition of artworks by Friedrich Feigl at the Robert Guttmann Gallery focuses on the life and work of this hitherto overlooked artist from Prague. It contains 72 pages and 203 full-colour reproductions of his paintings and prints. Friedrich Feigl was one of the initiators of the Osma group, whose first exhibition in April 1907 is considered to mark the beginning of modern art in Bohemia. The catalogue includes many previously unpublished details on his life and his pre-war works, particularly those in the collections of the Jewish Museum in Prague. Published by the Jewish Museum in Prague. Available in Czech and in English.

Žánr a kategorie knihy Friedrich Feigl
